Update 8/31/16

Exterior siding continues on the 3rd Ave. side, they will be starting the 7th Street NE side soon. Substantial completion is expected at the end of September with some minor touch up and finishing early October. Final caulking, trim gutters, and finishing will follow the mass completion of siding install. The final warranty testing was…

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Dyer Vent Replacement

Each dryer vent will be inspected – if it has a flexible dryer vent it will be replaced with a ridged dryer vent. Please remove all personal items and stored items from the closets. They will need access to all sides of the dryers. There is a $89 charge for the vent replacement, charged back…

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Phase 2 Update

Phase 2: 8/17/16 Window sills for the following units will be installed on August 22 and 23: 119, 125, 124, 122, 219, 225, 217, 224, 222, 220, 320 Final walk through and punch list will be done on Thursday August 25 for the above units. YOU DO NOT NEED TO REMOVE BLINDS OR WINDOW COVERINGS…

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Phase 2 Update

The parking lot side of the building has siding installed, but still has some caulking, flashing, gutters, and drip edge on the roof lines finishing to be done. This is going to be completed over the next couple weeks. Some Friday work will be done over the rest of August and September to do finishing…

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Sill installs 8/4 – 8/5

Window sills for the following units will be installed on August 4 and 5: 101, 107, 109, 111, 113, 117, 201, 207, 209, 211, 213, 301, 307, 309, 311, 313, 319, 325, 324, 322, 317 Final punch list and walk-through for the above units will be on 8/8 from 9 AM to 2 PM. The…

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